Here I am, it's been 100 blogs lol. Today was...what a day.
You're having a little boy! I still can not believe it. I feel like you're just a little girl yourself..and you're soon to be a MOTHER! How is that possible I just don't understand what we did wrong. I just hope you take care of yourself and you become responsible..because there's no more is us/we.
Well from me there's no more to say but that I am and will be here for you as your older cousin. With anything you or the baby need.
After eight long years I visited my grandparents grave. It was a bit hard to stand there and see how long it had try to remember their faces..but it was imposible.
Grandpa, You've been gone for sixteen long years now..there's no way i remember you but I do wish i would've been lucky enough to grow up by your side. To see the great man you were.
Grandma, You..I remember it bit more..but again it's pretty hard for me to remember when I was just a kid when you went away. Maybe if you guys were alive, you'd be proud of the man my father has become. Thank you! I have a great father,a great friend. My dad is just amazing and again thank you for making of him a great dad.
Mom & Dad, I love you!
Maritza & Juan, dude you know what's up lol. You're amizing and I am so lucky to be you sister.
God, Thank you for the family I have.
[Erica, I am back and no more sickness thank god]
Btw..I just got home awhile ago and I saw him again. It was hard to not be in his not touch his ice cold hands. To not feel him close to me anymore..but I'm sure with time I will get over it and understand things change and we're not the same.